It is officially undergraduate graduation season in Ontario (I'm not sure of the rest of Canada). I know 13 graduands who are taking their walk across the stage in the next 2 weeks thanks to my role as the head of university alumni at my youth church. It's a season to celebrate your tremendous achievement of completing your undergraduate studies.
So on that note, Congratulations on your achievement!
My prayer for you all is that this will be the first of many milestones in your lives.
It is strange for me to recognize that this will be the third summer graduation ceremony since I completed my undergrad myself in December 2014. Life moves on and doesn't wait for you to get your bearings. That will be the first nugget of many that life will teach you. You must always be on the move, striving for the next achievement without relenting. Make sure to celebrate each achievement too.
It is my joy to see young adults striving for growth and self-improvement. If there can be a better you, please get on the journey to becoming that person. If there isn't a better you, share your knowledge on how you got there.
I do not have much advice to give other than the experiences I've had and the little knowledge I've gained since hugging my Vice Chancellor and receiving my presidential handshake a few years ago. I do that with my series "Intro to Adulting" and will continue that.
If there is one thing that has served me well so far, it is that;
“You will stay the same person you are today OTHER THAN the people you hang around, the books you read and the content you consume. ”
We are all sponges and vibe off of the people in our circle. I want to encourage you to take control of your circle. Make new friends if you need to, keep old ones when you can and make the world a better place with your association. If you hang around people who are always broke, you will be broke as well. If you hang around success hounds, you will become hungry for success naturally.
Please, ensure that you protect your circle fiercely also. Not everyone should have access to your company, not everyone will release their presence to you. Be okay with that.
The Content you consume
By this I mean, youtube, music, twitter, facebook, tv shows, movies, cable news, fake news, alternative facts. These will affect your lense on life in some form or another. When you continuously allow bad content get into you, it will become normal to you. If you're constantly surrounded by positive content and good music, people will wonder why you're happy all the time.
I will share with you some of the books I've read that have blessed my life so far. I encourage you to grow your library as well. Read books, they will help shape your mind. Books are like friends you can draw advice from at any time you choose.
Please, if you find something you think is beneficial, share with me. Email me SUBJECT: A good read
I also borrow my books to people in Ottawa so if you'd like my copy, I gat you. (Unless someone already has it)
ON Finances
Deal with your debt by Liz Weston
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad's guide to investing by Robert Kiyosaki
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham [preface by Warren Buffet]
The Wealthy Barber Returns by David Chilton
The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton
ON Relationships
Becoming a person of Influence by John C. Maxwell
Close Relations by Susan A. McDaniel & Lorne Tepperman
How to Win Friends & Influence people by Dale Carnegie
ON Attitude & Mentality
The Winning Attitude by John C. Maxwell
7 Habits of Highly Effective people by Stephen R. Covey
Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Millionaire Next door by Thomas J. Stanley & William Danko
ON Leadership
EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
Developing the Leaders Around You by John C. Maxwell
Honorable mentions
The Bible by [numerous authors]
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
Lean In: The Graduate edition by Sheryl Sandberg [Highly Recommended]
The personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
I plan to read more and I will share as I go too.
I hope none of us ever has to hide from others in the future because we did not achieve our dreams. Even then, you're never too young or too old to chase dreams.
As always,
“I don’t know what I don’t know, if you know, share your knowledge.”
Congratulations once again,
I'm looking forward to your impact on the world.