I anticipate not having a lot of time to blog or chronicle my journey through the Queen's MBA but I will try to weekly as a start and adjust as we go.
Quick rundown of my past week
Moving & Unpacking
Moving from Ottawa and settling in Kingston has been pretty eventful. I got to Kingston on what has so far, been the coldest day of winter. Thankfully, I'm alright and frostbite has yet to make my acquittance.
Kingston ... so far
With Kingston being so cold, I haven't really been on my Christopher Columbus tip yet. I'm also not really here to tour around but when I can sneak in a few shots, I got you. I will keep an eye out for things that pique my interest. Those will make for a quick snap or insta story so follow me. aeromati [shameless plug].
One thing I've already noticed, there are a bunch of cathedrals and church buildings. A lot of them have the old-school anglican, baptist feel to them too. Below for example.
photo credit: Amanda Higgins
Within City Hall, there is the office of the mayor.
There is also an exhibit at City Hall showcasing the jail system and police system in the early days of Canada.
Pre-MBA Classes
The Pre-MBA was a week in advance of the actual MBA program, a week I opted but was not compulsory to attend. It was a refresher on concepts we may have been taught that would prove useful later on. For those of us taking Business classes for the first time, it was more of an intro. For me, the classes were pretty useful so I'd probably recommend it.
Queeen's ARC
I had a super early gym session midweek. I'm talking, wake up at 5 AM, "this time of the day exists??", "I should really hit snooze and go back to bed" kind of early. Turns out, it's a pretty lit time to be out and about. You get the entire Gymnasium to yourself. [Gymnasium because 'gym' doesn't adequately quantify how big this place is]
I'm thinking of making this getting up really early thing a habit. Thoughts?
Before I go, I've met some pretty incredible people already. I know it's not the full class yet so I'm looking forward to that later.
This week is Orientation, so we'll see how that goes.
Till next time,
Make someone's day.