It's been a good month since I've been back from my trip home and I honestly love the direction the growth there is heading. Before I get to posting about my adventures in Ottawa, it is important I display a bit of the environment that is Lagos.
I’d been sitting on a bunch of posts for a long time.
A lot of it I held back because I simply started to think a little too long, a little too hard. It is way past time and I’ve let myself get in my own way. I’m really not sure how to resume my blog but I can’t continue to leave it on pause. With that, I think I’ll start with a personal note. So here goes.
So I’ve waited a few days to get the new year new me blues out of my system. I’m not new, I’m not different neither so, we’ll have to manage. Oh, Kinda new Job though. That’s IBM in the image.
Yeah, I work there now.